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Show your locations on a 3D map

Enhance user engagement with this 3D map app. Let your visits interact with this map, see details of your locations, and navigate through cities, landmarks, and natural wonders with our immersive 3D map app.

Quick start

Check out the quick-start video to learn how to set up the map, add locations, and display them on the map. Additionally, you can find answers to questions you may have on the FAQ page.

Frequently Asked Questions

A collection named Map Pins is created when you install the app, you can use it to add, edit and delete your locations. There will be a second collection named ms, please avoid modifying it You have 7 day free trial period to test the app on your site. If you no longer need the app, it is advised to download the data you saved in the main collection before app deletion. Use modern, updated browsers like Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Use high-end devices to use this app. It is possible to have bad performance on old, not-updated, or low-end devices. It is advised to use images with 16:9 ratio.

Latitude and longitude are numbers on a map that help you figure out exactly where places are.  To get the latitude and longitude for a specific place, you can use any web, desktop, or mobile app; most of them are free and easy to use. You can also search on your favorite web search engine or use an AI app.

Yes, you will need to export your spreadsheet as a CSV file and then import it into the Map Pins Collection. For more details on how to do that, see this helpful article:

The purpose of the HTML field is to let you add rich text formatting for each location. You could add a simple text like, "This is my location." You can also add rich text as HTML code, like:

<p><strong>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</strong></p>
<p>consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ff0000;"><em>et dolore magna aliqua. </em></span></p>
<li>Ut enim ad minim</li>
<li>veniam, quis nostrud</li>
<li>exercitation ullamco</li>
<p>laboris<a href="#"> nisi ut aliquip </a>ex ea commodo consequat.&nbsp;</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></p>

There are plenty of mobile, desktop and website apps that can help you convert nice-looking text to HTML code. (There is no need to learn any HTML code)

In order to display a 3D map on your website, you will need to utilize a third-party service like Mapbox. Just as you require electricity to power a refrigerator, you need a Mapbox token to integrate this 3D map app into your site. The Mapbox token is accessible through a free tier, making it easy to get started. For further details on Mapbox pricing and additional information, please visit their official page at

Check that you have correctly added the Mapbox token to the App dashboard. Read the FAQ page and watch the quick-start video. If the problem persists, it could be caused by: Web browser extensions, Built-in Web Browser features, outdated browsers, or incompatible web browsers. It is recommended to test the app on your site during the free trial period.